Department of International Trade


    Information Package


    The International Trade Department aims to educate qualified individuals who are competitive, dynamic, and capable of adding value to their environment, equipped with the principles and rules of international trade, capable of achieving our country’s foreign trade goals in global markets, and capable of identifying and managing opportunities and threats.


    The International Trade Department aims to be recognized as a department that produces individuals who create value in academic and industry fields, are reliable in terms of education quality, and contribute to change in their working environments.

    Department Introduction

    The fundamental subjects covered in the department’s education include management and organization, economics, accounting and finance, marketing, and law. Field-specific courses cover topics such as international trade and economic relations, marketing, international finance, logistics management, international economics and trade legislation, international organizations, import and export management, trade fairs, free zone applications, negotiation and bargaining techniques. The academic program of the department is designed to provide students with the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge in international trade.

    Career Opportunities

    Graduates of the International Trade Department will have employment opportunities in public and private sector institutions where graduates of similar faculties work, as well as in national and international commercial and economic organizations and associations, customs administrations, economic consulates of Turkey and other countries, the Ministry of Foreign Trade and its affiliated domestic and foreign organizations, trade attaché offices, free zones, development agencies, and various types of companies.


    Education in the International Trade Department is conducted entirely in Turkish.

    Optional preparatory classes are available.

    Education is conducted with a pass/fail system.

    A relative grading system is applied.


  • Prof. İlyas SÖZEN (Head of Department)

    Assoc. Prof. Hakan ÖZKAYA

    Asst. Prof. Çağlar AKTEPE

    Asst. Prof. Mustafa ÜNÜVAR

    Asst. Prof. Nehir BALCI

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